How Your Positive Attitude Changes The World
by Tania WL OK, let's do a little fun exercise. First, examine your thoughts. What kinds of thoughts fill your head? Would you say they're positive or negative? Life is exciting! Now pretend that you are walking down the street having these thoughts. Do you think people that see you (even strangers) can tell you what kind of mood you are in? The answer is yes! Although people can't tell exactly what you're thinking, they can tell how you're feeling. Next question. When you enter a party full of people, do their moods change? How? Do they like perk up as if expecting something wonderful to happen or do they like become quiet all of a sudden? You know what? The answer to all these depends on how you are feeling at the time. Not necessarily physically, but emotionally. Are you feeling happy and wonderful or sad, angry, worried, etc? You see, thoughts are very powerful. They affect your general attitude, which in turn is reflected on your appearance. Unless,...